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HTTPS Protocol what is it and how does it work?

January 17, 2019 (обновлено: September 18, 2019)
Просмотров 281
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When you do something in the Internet, you take a part of the data transmission process. This process happens all the time: when you watch video, photos, and messaging in your browser. During this time a query is heading to the server, and then you are getting the answer. The data transferring is regulated by HTTP protocol, which has its own rules.

But HTTP protocol has one meaningful minus – it doesn’t cypher data. It transfers data in the clear. As you get, data is unprotected. Because of it, frauds can get your confidential information. That is why the other secure protocol was developed — HTTPS.

What is HTTPS protocol?

HTTPS protocol allows to cypher the data transmission, so it is used on the sites, where personal data processing is necessary: social networks, e-mails, baks’ sites, forums etc. This protocol is supported in all modern browsers and doesn’t require additional customization.

For example, you decided to order something in online-store. For this you should register personal account, where you specify an address, bank card number, and phone number. When you do this on sites with the HTTP protocol, you take a risk, that your personal information can be gotten by frauds. But online store with HTTPS protocol in address helps users to avoid unpleasant consequences. How?

How does it work?

HTTPS itself is a wrap for unsecured protocol HTTP. It is its upgraded version. Data cryptography is possible by SSL/TLS-protocol, that secure the connection through vulnerable channel. 

Protocol SSL/TLS works on the following principle: the connection is being established between a server and a computer, for this secret key is chosen. Thus, the secret key helps to cypher the transferring data between browser and server. Every connection has its own secret key. The key consists of more than 100 symbols, and it is almost impossible to hack it. It is needed to install SSL-certificate on server for the work of SSL-protocol. We’ll speak about the certificates a little latter.

It’s easier to explain the principle of the secured connection through example. For instance, you send a package and hang a lock on it. The recipient can’t unlock it, because he hasn’t the key. He hangs his own lock on it and send the package back. When you got the package, you unlocked your lock and sent it back to recipient. He opens his own lock. Now, the package is delivered in security. Nobody wasn’t even trying to open it during the delivery.

But this type of connection has a disadvantage. The third party can possess the data, if a fraud would get the key. You will not even know about it. To secure the connection the special certificates are used. The certificate is a document, that identifies server. Simply put, this is an ID document for server. It contains the information about site’s owner, its signature. Because of it, browser checks the authenticity of the certificate during the establishment of the security connection.

Is it necessary to have HTTPS protocol on a site?

Any modern site has installed HTTPS protocol, if its owner cares about protection. Especially, it’s important for such services, where the security connection is above all: for online-stores, social networks, banks. HTTPS has many advantages:

  1. It has positive effect on position of a site in query. HTTPS protocol contributes to position of a site in search systems. Google company declared it lately, so it’s possible that it can effect on the ranging in future.
  2. Browsers marks sites without protocol as unsecured resources.
  3. Users trust sites, when they see the HTTPS protocol sign in browser bar.

It makes sense to establish HTTPS, if you are an owner of a service, where users leave personal or payment data.

How to establish HTTPS?

Guarantee the protection to your clients! Programmists from  ITGALAXY will establish the secure certificate SSL, make preparation works and add new secure protocol HTTPS on your site.
