Those tasks, that were required fast resolves, they were implemented fast and in time.
Marko Hanzo and Menzer Berlin
Kurkov Oleg Vladimirovich
А director of the shops «Marko Hanzo» and «Menzer Berlin»
We ordered from ITGALAXY the creation of two sites “Marko Hanzo” and “Menzer Berlin”. We knew about ITGALAXY from the Internet. We were searching for a contractor and decided to refer to ITGALAXY. It was in 2017. The final factor was a meet with a project-manager – Maxim. He influenced a lot on our final decision.
He sank in our tasks deeply and wanted not just only to select design of our further site, but to dig in our theme, in the issue.
During our searching, we looked on professionalism of developers. And primarily we looked not at designs of works, but at functionality implemented during last projects.
I want to emphasize that Maxim is a manager, who knows his job. He is concise and precise at actions, he understands customers easily and finds necessary decision for resolution of any task. Those tasks that were required fast resolves, they were implemented fast and in time.
We continue to develop the project yet and to lead it to the final view. As a whole, I am fully satisfied with the site. The absence of technical issues is important for me. This is a main indicator of our and your job. Now we are starting new work – a promotion through SEO-optimization and contextual advertising.